The International Fluid Power Society (IFPS) has recently upgraded its Hydraulic Specialist (CFPHS) Certification Study Manual.
Testing for the CFPHS certification starts today, April 1, 2017.
“To keep pace with changing fluid power and motion control technologies, IFPS is committed to reviewing our certification study manuals and tests every five years by a panel of subject matter experts. All material is reviewed for relevance and current technical best practices and standards,” said Donna Pollander, ACA, IFPS executive director. “What the IFPS provides in our newly updated HS study manual and certification test is a highly developed, vendor-neutral, benchmarking tool to evaluate an individual’s fluid power competence, knowledge, and skill set.”
The manual is good, and I like it. But, by my opinion, some stuff has to be changed in this manual:
- The font is terrible. I think “Verdana” is not a best choice for study manuals. Standard “serif”-type font like “Times New Roman” is much better for fast reading when there are a lot of sentences in the paragraph.
- Text lines are too close to each other. Line spacing in paragraph has to be bigger to easy reading. And I think, it is good idea to use two columns at the page.
- Some pictures are raster and in bad resolution. By my opinion, all images have to be in vector format and all photos have to be at least 400 dpi resolution.
- Symbols at the schematics are not in accordance with ISO 1219-1. This is a manual for hydraulic certification – you must to follow the standard! (lines type and weight, symbol size, etc.). Schematics made in strange
This is very sad! We pay money for membership, for exams, but IFPS can’t (or doesn’t want) find good specialists to prepare study manual in an acceptable quality!