
How to become an author

Our professional community is interested in fluid power technology development and all aspects of its areas: hydraulic, lube, pneumatic, etc. You don’t necessarily have to write hardcore articles but that’s important to make them useful. If you already have such content on another site feel free to post it here as well so that the FluidPower community could also appreciate it…

If your article is useful and well-written then it will gain thousands of views. We will also share it on our LinkedIn account as well as it will get into our newsletter.

How it’s gonna happen

Your create your first article, it goes to moderator’s check, and then if the article is OK it goes to front page where it will get views, comments and rating — you won’t need premoderation anymore. But if there is something wrong with the article you will be asked to refine it.

Before you start…

Please read below important info about writing articles.
If you have any questions, please contact the administrator by email: email@fluidpower.pro

  • Carefully select Category where your article to be posted. Mostly it is going to be “Articles”.
  • You can upload any media you want (drawings, pictures, PDF files and etc.).
  • If you need to add video please use Embed Video <iframe> tags provided by YouTube or Vimeo.
  • If your article is too big, please insert the “Read More” tag (<!--more-->) to prevent showing the full article on the home page.
  • If you need to add formulas into your post, please use LaTeX format.
    By default, the TeX processor uses the LaTeX math delimiters, which are \(...\) for in-line math, and \[...\] for displayed equations.
    More info
  • Do not forget, your article will be moderated before publishing on the FluidPower website. If any questions occur or something needs to be clarified administrator will contact you.

To write your first article, you have to create an account at FluidPower.Pro first:

Create account