Thank you for registration at FluidPower.Pro!
Please read below important info about writing articles. If you have any questions, please contact the administrator by email:
If you are an author and would like to add an article to FluidPower Blogs:
- Carefully select Category where your post to be posted. Mostly it is going to be “Blogs”.
- You can upload any media you want (drawings, pictures, PDF files and etc.).
- If you need to add video please use <iframe> tags (provided by YouTube).
- If your article is too big, please insert the “Read More” tag to prevent showing the full article on the home page.
- If you need to add formulas into your post, please use LaTeX format. More info.
- Do not forget, your article will be moderated before publishing on the FluidPower website. If any questions occur or something needs to be clarified administrator will contact you.
You can start your first post right away!